
Deris commits to UNGC

DERIS has joined the world's largest corporate sustainibility initiative "UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT" which is a call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and take actions that advance societal goals. DERİS submits "CoP - Communication on Progress Report" every year open to public review.


Great for all

Deris was certified as a Great Place to Work for four consecutive years between 2019-2022. It has created and maintains its system to meet the "trust" model of this initiative. Tust model consists of five dimensions: credibility, respect, fairness, pride and camaraderie. Fairness assues that employees believe management practices and policies are fair; assesses the equity, impartiality, and justice employees experience in the workplace.

Resposibility for all stakeholders

Deris feels a high responsibility towards its employees, society, profession, disadvantaged groups, and new lawyers as well as her responsibility towards her client, and sees creating a workplace culture where people want to work as one of its permanent priorities

Serra Coral

Managing Partner / Attorney at Law

Deriş Patent Building Kabataş, İstanbul

+90 212 252 6122

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